
House or Home?

Answering this tricky question is clarifying how comfortable you feel about your own space.


It is very important to create a place that is special for you and your family. A very thin line exists between a HOUSE and HOME, especially for the people who don’t own a house or an apartment but they are renting one.

Although, there are many ways that you can make your house more attractive and closer to your interests, it is very significant for your space to be felt as “a home” every time you enter the door.

Imagine entering through the main door of a cold house with empty walls and alienated spaces.

Below are 3 simple ways to make your home cozier, comfier, warmer, and more pleasant.


1) Colorful walls – Paint your walls according to your favorite colors or decorate them with some wallpaper/paintings to fill space.

By painting the walls with your favorite color, you will be always happy coming into your house.

The brighter your favorite color is, the bigger your space will feel.

*If your preferred color is black don’t blame on it us!




2) Imagine a house without furniture – No Way!

Decisions for your furniture are not only according to current trends, but also with some smart and old-time classic pieces that will stand out in your house for the foreseeable future.

Add your personal style to; proper furniture that will complete your home with love.

This could be the luxurious sofa in your living-room or your king-size double bed and why not your dining table in the kitchen




3) Last but not least and actually the most important characteristic of making a suitable home for you, is……photographs of your life and moments with family and friends.

Photos personalize your room waking up the feelings of calmness and relaxation in a place you can call “HOME”. Pictures are very special because they capture moments in your lifetime.

None of the above points are more important since photos are your own touch to your décor.



Ref. #:HORH